Lumbar Spine
The central pillar of support and connection for the whole body
Conditions of the Cervical – Thoracic – Lumbar spine

The spine is the central pillar of support and connection for the whole body and it is directly linked to physical health and well-being. Its key elements are the vertebrae, the spinal nerves the intervertebral discs, the paraspinal muscles and other smaller structures.
The spine is divided into cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine and each of them has a corresponding curvature. An abnormality in any of these curvatures can be annoying, painful, and even unbearable. Such abnormalities cause disturbances in the stability – mobility relationship of the surrounding structures that support the spine. Furthermore, degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc itself (intervertebral disc herniation) can lead to pathology with pain that can be from mild to extremely intolerant.

Diseases of the spine are not only very common, but also very persistent problems, as most of the time they are chronic and multi factorial. Some of the most common conditions of the spine are cervical syndrome, nerve root compression, trigger points, kyphosis, scoliosis, low back pain (with or without herniated intervertebral disc), sciatica, and spondylolisthesis.