Excellent equipment for the treatment of cervical syndrome, back pain and sciatica
Modern equipment
SPL has modern equipment such as HUMAN TECAR, electrotherapy, ultrasound and electroacupuncture, laser, cryotherapy while Kinesiotape® and Graston® techniques are used.
Human Tecar®
Human Tecar HCR 1002 is an electromagnetic microcirculation stimulator. It works through medium frequency radio waves that, in contact with biological tissue through two special types of electrodes - high and low resistance, activate the metabolic process of the tissue itself. This stimulates blood circulation / lymphatic circulation in concentrated or extended areas of the body, depending on whether the treatment target is isolated or wider.
HCR 1002 is based on the principle of capacitance, known in physics, and is applied to this type of electro-medical device for the first time.
The electromagnetic signal (ie medium frequency radio waves) is not transmitted through space. Instead, it is transported to the tissue by direct contact, acting from the inside, without losing energy. From a biological point of view, we can talk about the mobilization of electric charges - called electrolytes - which are naturally present in the body. These can affect cellular metabolism, causing the need for more oxygen and nutrients and therefore increasing blood flow to a given area of the body.
The power, accuracy and sensitivity of the device allow professionals to adjust the energy intensity, even to a minimum, by adapting a given treatment protocol to the exact requirements of the person being treated at all times. This translates into a more focused and effective treatment of inflammatory conditions, both acute and chronic, and even faster and more successful treatment of pain.

Electrotherapy is mainly used in physiotherapy to relax muscle spasms, prevent and slow down atrophy of decreased use, increase local blood circulation, restore muscles and increase electrical muscle stimulation, maintain and increase range of motion, to reduce post-traumatic or postoperative pain.
It is also used for postoperative muscle stimulation to prevent venous thrombosis, promote wound healing and also administering medication.
Electrical stimulation can directly block the transmission of pain signals along nerves. In addition, painkillers.

Wireless Electrical Stimulation
The use of electrical stimulation for the selective strengthening of muscle groups and functional rehabilitation of a patient, is an important and effective tool for a variety of cases. Especially while recovering from an injury, after surgery, or in neurological cases.
A kinetic chain consists of many parts and muscle groups, which can show reduced activation at various points and for different reasons. This application of electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is usually done on patients with very low levels of muscle and neural activation, such as people who have been inactive for a long time.
At the same time, however, people with a seemingly normal kinesiology may experience reduced activation of certain muscles or muscle groups, often causing pain or putting the person at increased risk for injury.
At SPL, with the addition of wireless electrotherapy and neuromuscular stimulation of AMISTIM, this application of selective activation using electric current (EMS), becomes easier and at the same time more effective. The freedom of movement allowed by the wireless nature of this machine, gives the patient a better sense of functionality, while allowing the therapist to implement complex rehabilitation programs, as well as to reliably select the preferred muscle group for strengthening.

Trigger points (hyperirritable spots of a muscles' fascia) are responsible for various musculoskeletal pains in every person. Their treatment is clinically acceptable and proven in both classical and alternative medicine. Acupuncture is a therapeutic approach to these trigger points, and although there is still disagreement between Western and Eastern medicine about the exact nature of the effect, it has been shown to be effective in both chronic and acute pain cases.
Electroacupuncture is a combination of classical acupuncture and electrotherapy (usually TENS) and offers many benefits. The main element is that the resistance of the skin disappears completely and the application of the modality is done directly on the tissues of the targeted area. This results in maximizing analgesia and increasing functionality. From research it appears that the effect is stronger especially in cases of chronic pain, as it affects the central nervous system, making it less sensitive to the pain signals that have been established.
During the application of electroacupuncture, specially adapted equipment is used, which transfers additional energy to the body and through chemical transformation, stimulates the affected area at cellular level.
Electroacupuncture is mainly used in cases that concern the musculoskeletal and nervous system, while a significant improvement of the physical condition has been observed in athletes, students and people with high demands of physical and mental activity and exhaustion as well as chronic fatigue.

Ultrasound is a method used by therapists since the 1940s. It is applied by an ultrasound emitting head, which comes in contact with the skin as it uses gel to transmit them.
Ultrasound is a form of mechanical energy, that is, sound waves. These high-frequency mechanical energy waves are called sound energy. Therapeutic ultrasound emits waves of 1 Mhz (1 million hertz), well above the limit of human hearing which is 20,000 hertz, hence the name we use.
The particles of a material, when exposed to such waves, oscillate around their position, simulating vibration. This effect has been linked to increased healing speed of an injury, as well as better tissue quality after wound healing.
The effect of ultrasound also includes increased blood flow to the area, reduction of edema and chronic inflammation, and according to studies, it also helps in the healing of bone fractures. It also helps relieve pain and reduce pain transmission.
Ultrasound waves can also be used for a process called phonophoresis. This is the process of transmitting a drug to the tissues under the skin, without the use of a needle or any interventional means.
The most typical applications of therapeutic ultrasound are shoulder bursitis, tennis elbow, various tendonitis and fractures in the recovery phase.

Laser is the amplification of light with forced radiation emission. The lasers emit light of a certain wavelength, which propagates in a specific direction.
When the light source is placed on the skin, the photons penetrate several centimeters and are absorbed by the mitochondria. The energy feeds many positive physiological responses of the body, resulting in the restoration of normal cell morphology and function and healing, but at an increased rate.
Their operation is based on the theory of thermodynamics. Laser therapies or bio-stimulants are used in physiotherapy. These types of lasers are completely safe, as they have no thermal effect.
The therapeutic laser has anti-inflammatory action, and is used to heal wounds, to treat inflammation, muscle fractures, overuse syndromes, arthritis, back pain, etc.
Some examples of the application of LASER are their application in a protocol of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, shoulder impact syndromes, bursitis, disc disease, but also muscle injuries and overuse syndromes, such as epicondylitis (Tennis elbow), plantar fascitis and other tendonitis cases.

Cryotherapy is the simplest and oldest way to treat injuries. The term cryotherapy refers to the application of cold in order to change both the skin and the intra-articular and muscular temperature to relieve the symptoms of an injury.
Its universal use has been established due to its efficiency and convenience. This is also evident from the so-called R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate), which is the most immediate and simple therapeutic application of injury management.
Cryotherapy controls pain by stimulating local anesthesia. It also reduces swelling and nerve firing speed. The cold reduces local nerve activity, increases the threshold for muscle activation and reduces the stimulation of free nerve endings. This leads to reduced muscle spasm and reduces the level of pain. The effectiveness of cryotherapy depends on the method, duration, temperature used, the depth of the target tissue and the presence of subcutaneous fat tissue.
Therefore, indications for the use of cryotherapy include diseases such as sprains, muscle fractures, edema and inflammation.

Normatec Boots - Legs and Hips
The lymphatic system is a very important but often underrated part of the circulatory, immune and metabolic systems. The functions of the lymphatic system complements blood circulation, as it is responsible for regulating the balance of fluids in the body and the filtering of pathogenic components in blood.
This system consists of both superficial and deep vessels, as well as lymph nodes and it is responsible for preventing the accumulation of interstitial fluid. It is separate from the general circulatory system and acts as a conduit for the return of fluids from the tissues.
This important function can be disrupted in a number of ways. The amount of fluid may be too great for the capabilities of an unaffected lymphatic system, or the lymphatic system itself may appear to have reduced capacity. Sometimes these two occur simultaneously, in cases such as injuries, postoperative rehabilitation and increased athletic activity. In all the above cases there is increased fluid retention in the extremities and the body leads to lymphedema.
Normatec compression boots are one of the most effective methods for preventing and treating such situations. They are widely used and can be applied in various cases, to both everyday people and people with lymphatic problems.

Kinesiotape®, the elastic band, was designed 35 years before Dr. Kenza Kane. It is a cotton film, which can be lengthened even to 130% of its original length.
Kinesiotape® theory argues that it can reduce painful symptoms, maintain or even increase range of motion, improve proprioception and enhance lymphatic circulation. All this by creating tension and lifting the skin.
The way Kinesiotape® is positioned is very important as it inhibits the activation of pain receptors, thus reducing the sensation of pain.
However, inesiotape® can correct asymmetry and align a joint, as well as help treat inflammation.
This is achieved with the way it is positioned during its application and the slight lifting of the skin. In this way, space is given to the lymphatic vessels to remove the inflammation and to help the general blood circulation.Therefore, its application must be done by a specialized therapist in a specific way.

Graston® technique
The Graston® technique is a form of manual therapy using tools to mobilize soft tissues. There are a number of such approaches with specialized massage on the surface of the skin. The Graston® technique has been developed to help the therapist identify areas that have created adhesions and scar tissue and "work" on them.
Therapists who can use this technique are chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, but also therapists who deal with athletes.
The goal of the Graston® technique is to reduce pain and increase patient functionality.This is achieved by "loosening" the scar tissue that was usually associated with an injury to the soft tissues (muscle, ligament, tendon, fascia) but also with the dilation caused in the connective tissues of the area.
There is also a neurological advantage to Graston® therapy. The literature states that when a patient is treated with Graston® tools and techniques, they respond to specific nerve fibers.
Likewise, mechanoreceptors and receptors responsible for proprioception appear to respond to this type of treatment.
As a result, the Graston® technique can reduce recovery time, enhance healing, reduce the need for anti-inflammatory treatment and solve chronic problems that were considered permanent.