
The science dealing with injuries of the musculoskeletal and nervous system


Supreme Physio Lab

A modern physiotherapy clinic with two treatment rooms and a rehabilitation room.

The Centre

The Team

Manned by fully qualified physiotherapists with excellent knowledge and experience.

The Team


Rehabilitation for Achilles tendinitis, frozen shoulder syndrome and ankle inversion sprain.



Post operative rehabilitation for partial and total knee – hip – ankle – shoulder replacement.



Specialized equipment for the treatment of neck pain, low back pain and sciatica.



Treatment with the use of heat, cold, magnetism, water, electricity, movement and more.

Κέντρο Φυσικοθεραπείας Ευάγγελος Σ. Δήμου - Ρουσουλέντσης

Physiotherapy Centre by Evagelos S. Dimou – Rousoulentsis

We are pleased to present the brand-new Supreme Physio Lab (SPL). SPL is a state–of–art physiotherapy clinic, established by the Chiropractic and Podiatry team. All members of staff are fully qualified physiotherapists, specializing in neurological and orthopedic disorders. SPL is located right next to the Chiropractic and Podiatry Clinic, at 2, Paleon Polemiston Street, in Ano Glyfada. It is housed in a comfortable ground floor 75sqm setting, with facilities such as disable people access, an elegant waiting room, two treatment rooms and a rehabilitation area.

In addition to the Chiropractic and Podiatric services provided for the past eighteen years, SPL inspired us by approaching a wider spectrum of cases that we can now deal with. We now provide superior treatment protocols for conditions such as orthopaedic problems, neurology patients, sport injuries, patients following surgical operations and others. All these with the help of physical modalities such as heat, cold, water, movement, electricity, ultrasound, magnetism, laser and more.

Welcome to the Supreme Physio Lab world.

The Team

Mr. Evagelos Dimou was born in Edessa in 1974. In 1992 he studied physiotherapy in "Paster", a private institution in Thessaloniki...


The Centre

SPL is a state–of–art physiotherapy lab, with minimal design and a pleasant environment. It contains modern, up to date...


Diseases and Conditions

With the term ‘Overuse syndromes’ we refer to a group of diseases characterized by chronic inflammation of the muscles, tendons...


What is physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is the science that deals with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Its main purpose is to maintain and restore mobility and function of the joints and the surrounding structures, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.

This is achieved with proper evaluation, selection and implementation of appropriate technical and therapeutic means, as well as with the appropriate consulting support.

Σύνδρομα Υπέρχρησης
Overuse Syndromes

With the term ‘Overuse syndromes’ we refer to a group of diseases characterized by chronic inflammation of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and bones. The inflammation arises from repeated stress...

Ορθοπαιδικές Παθήσεις
Orthopaedic Conditions

The term orthopedic conditions refer to diseases that affect the human musculoskeletal system. All the anatomical structures are capable to develop pathology. The difference with the overuse injuries discussed...

Παθήσεις Αυχενικής - Θωρακικής - Οσφυικής Μοίρας Σπονδυλικής Στήλης
Conditions of the Cervical – Thoracic – Lumbar Spine

The spine is the central pillar of support and connection for the whole body and it is directly linked to physical health and well-being. Its key elements are the vertebrae, the spinal nerves the...

Παθήσεις Ώμου - Αγκώνα - Καρπού
Conditions of the Upper Extremity (Shoulder – Elbow – Wrist)

Our hands are unique and adaptable and the upper end is there to support them and place them where needed. Hands are used for support, transport, exploration...

News reports


Η φυσικοθεραπεία στον αθλητισμό

Physiotherapy in Sports

Physiotherapy is inextricably linked to the rehabilitation of sports injuries. Very often it works both preventively and correctively, but also provides counseling to improve the performance of each athlete.

Η χειροπρκτική και η φυσικοθεραπεία

Physiotherapy - Chiropractic - Podiatry

Chiropractic is a combination of art, science and tradition and it is well known since the early days of Hippocrates. Chiropractic deals with musculoskeletal conditions of the spine and both the upper and the lower limbs


Όθωνας Μεταξάς

star star star star star

Πολύ καλή εξυπηρέτηση και ευγένεια και πάνω απ όλα ειλικρινής για τα θέματα υγείας... και το τι μπορούν να προσφέρουν. Μακάρι όλοι οι επαγγελματίες να είχαν τέτοιους χώρους και τέτοια συμπεριφορά. Το συνιστώ ανεπιφύλαχτα.
